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Choosing the right wattage:

How bright is too bright?

The importance of right wattage in office lighting

It is a common misconception that higher wattage always equates to better lighting. Advancements in lighting technology, particularly LED bulbs, have made it possible to achieve high levels of brightness with significantly lower wattage, leading to energy and cost savings.
Office lighting plays a critical role in fostering a productive and pleasant work environment. While businesses often seek high wattage for brighter illumination, it’s essential to consider the economic and environmental impacts of such a choice.
This article explores how to choose the right wattage without compromising on light quality, ensuring both economic viability and sustainability.

This article will present the following subjects:





Understanding wattage in lighting

Evaluating your office’s lighting needs

High wattage vs. Low wattage

An example of choosing the right wattage

I. Wattage Wisdom: Understanding wattage in lighting
Wattage is a critical factor in office lighting. Essentially, it measures how much electricity a bulb uses to produce light.
Higher wattage bulbs consume more energy, providing brighter illumination but at a cost – increased energy bills and greater environmental impact.

I.I Key Considerations:

  • Energy Consumption: Higher wattage bulbs draw more power, impacting electricity
    bills and environmental footprint.
  • Brightness: Traditionally, more wattage meant brighter light. However, with advancements in technology, lower wattage LED bulbs can now offer similar or even superior
    brightness compared to higher wattage traditional bulbs.
  • Workplace Productivity: Proper lighting is crucial for employee comfort and productivity. Overly bright or dim lighting can cause eye strain and fatigue.
  • Bulb Type: The efficiency of different bulb types varies significantly. LEDs, for example, are more efficient than incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, providing more light per watt of electricity used.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Initial investment in lower wattage, energy-efficient lighting
    might be higher, but it pays off in the long run through reduced energy bills and lower
    replacement costs.
  • Sustainability: Lower wattage and energy-efficient lighting contribute to a company’s
    sustainability goals by reducing carbon emissions and energy usage.

Selecting the right wattage for office lighting goes beyond just picking the level of brightness. It is about striking a harmonious balance between providing sufficient light
for productivity and minimizing energy consumption, costs, and environmental impact.

II. Illuminating success: Evaluating your office’s lighting needs
When considering the lighting requirements for your office, it’s essential to take a holistic approach. Assessing your specific needs can helpw you select the most appropriate wattage and lighting types, ensuring both efficiency and comfort.
Below you will find a list of different aspects to consider, when evaluating your office lighting.

    • Space Size and Layout: The physical dimensions and layout of your office greatly influence the amount and type of lighting needed. Larger areas may require more fixtures or higher wattage bulbs for adequate illumination.

    • Nature of Work: Different tasks require different lighting levels. Workspaces dealing
      with detailed tasks may need brighter, focused lighting, while general office areas might benefit from softer, ambient light.

    • Natural Light Availability: Utilizing natural light can significantly reduce the need for artificial lighting. Consider the placement and intensity of natural light throughout the
      day and supplement it appropriately.

    • Desired Brightness Level: Brightness, measured in lumens, is a key factor. High lumens can be achieved with lower wattage bulbs, especially with LED technology. It’s
      crucial to balance brightness with comfort to avoid eye strain.

    • Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Goals: Align your lighting choices with your company’s energy efficiency and sustainability targets. Opting for energy-efficient lighting solutions can contribute to these goals while reducing operational costs.

By thoroughly evaluating these factors, you can make informed decisions about office lighting that enhance productivity, ensure comfort, and align with your economic and environmental goals.

III. Is high wattage always better? High wattage vs. low wattage

High wattage or low? Discover the trade-offs in office lighting. Dive into the pros and cons of each,
from energy costs to work environment impacts. Find your perfect balance for a brighter, efficient, and sustainable workspace. Ready to illuminate the possibilities?

Hight wattage lighting


1. Provides brighter illumination, suitable for large or poorly-lit spaces.

2. Can enhance focus and visibility in areas requiring detailed work.


1. Higher energy consumption leads to increased electricity costs.

2. Greater environmental impact due to increased carbon footprint.

3. Risk of over-illumination, potentially causing discomfort or energy waste.

Low wattage lighting


1. More energy-efficient, reducing electricity bills and enviromental impact.

2. Often adequate for well-designed office spaces with good natural light.

3. Technological advancements (like LED) ensure sufficient brightness at lower wattages.


1. May require additional fixtures to achieve desired brightness, impacting initial setup costs.

2. Inadequate lighting can lead to eye strain and decreased productivity if not properly planned.

Be sure to evaluate both options in the context of specific office needs,
aiming for a balanced approach that ensures efficiency, comfort,
and sustainability

IV.An example: A Case Study of Wattage Transformation in XYZ Corporation

Let us examine a hypothetical example inspired by previous cases, of innovative practices in corporate energy management, focusing on the strategic implementation of energy-efficient lighting solutions.
Imagine a company, XXX, known for its commitment to sustainability. Recognising the need to optimise their office lighting for both energy efficiency and employee well-being, they conducted an audit of their current lighting system.
The audit revealed that most of their office spaces were illuminated with outdated fluorescent bulbs that not only consumed high levels of energy but also provided poor lighting quality, affecting employee productivity and morale.

XXX decided to transition to LED lighting, known for its superior energy efficiency and light quality. After careful analysis, they chose LEDs with a wattage that perfectly balanced luminosity and energy consumption, tailored to the specific needs of different office areas.
For workspaces requiring precise and clear lighting, they selected higher wattage LEDs to ensure adequate illumination without glare. In contrast, for common areas and hallways, they opted for lower wattage LEDs, sufficient for safety and comfort but lower in energy use.

This strategic approach not only resulted in a significant reduction in XXX’s energy bills but also enhanced the overall working environment, contributing to their sustainability goals and employee satisfaction.

The Final Verdict: Enlightening Your Office Lighting Choice
Choosing the right wattage for office lighting is not just about achieving adequate illumination; it’s about finding a balance between
brightness, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability.

By understanding your office’s specific needs and exploring energy-efficient options like LED, you can make an informed decision
that benefits both your business and the planet.
For you to make the absolute most of your office lighting, we kindly recommend that you visit and read the articles Illuminate your success, Lighting the path to productivity, Energy optimisation and What is Lumen and Lux.
In combination, these articles will provide you with valuable insights,
when it comes to creating the perfect office lighting for productivity
and positivity.

Interested in maximizing your lighting setup?

Reach out to us – we’re ready for a conversation to explore customized solutions for you



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